Baum O’Connor Cullen Chmiel is proud of our track record and what our clients say about us. Here are samples of the many letters of thanks we receive.
- “My faith in medicine and everything I do on a daily basis as a doctor that I have been trained for has been restored. Thanks, Mimi.”
- “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your knowledge and excellent defense of me and my case over the past two weeks. You have walked me through every step over the last 4 years of this case and I appreciate it so much. Your confidence in me as a witness helped me so much on the stand. I gained a new respect for your field and for you as you put in very long hours to defend me. I am so grateful!”
- “I could not be more grateful and appreciative for all that you did. Your skill, expertise, encouragement, support, and honesty gave me a constant feeling of confidence, and I cannot thank you enough for all of this, as well as your total availability and patience. You always made me feel like you were personally connected to me, and that you really cared.”
- “In my 15 years of orthopedic surgical practice, I have been involved in a single case of alleged malpractice in which I was represented very skillfully by attorney Alan Baum of Baum O’Connor Cullen Chmiel. I believe Mr. Baum’s attention to detail, thorough preparation, skillful courtroom approach, professional demeanor, and sincere commitment to representing our interests were instrumental in the plaintiff’s decision to withdraw the case during the first day of testimony. I have built a relationship of trust and confidence in his abilities to represent me and my practice. Mr. Baum has also successfully represented my partners in other cases, eliciting from them similar, very positive assessments of his work.”
- “My heartfelt thanks for the encouragement and help you gave me throughout this ordeal. Lawyers like you are so enlightening to have around to help people like us.”
- “Reflecting on the trial and the months leading up to it, you were compassionate and brought a wealth of experience to the defense. At times, I not only doubted the outcome, but doubted myself. You maintained a steady course, were optimistic yet realistic. In short, were I given the opportunity to handpick my defense attorney, I could have done no better than you. Thank you.”
- “This past week was spent in the McKean County Courthouse defending an alleged medical negligence case. I was represented by M. Brian O’Connor and I wanted you to know that I was extremely pleased with his performance. He must have spent an enormous amount of time preparing for this case as it was evident in his expert cross-examination of all the plaintiffs’ experts’ witnesses. His choice of expert witnesses for my defense was excellent. Mr. O’Connor’s calm and polite demeanor in his approach to the jury I feel was a key part in obtaining a 12-0 verdict in my favor in a record time of five minutes. The Judge who presided over the case later told me that I had a “very good lawyer” and I totally agree with him.”
- “I want to thank you for your time and wise counsel. I certainly hope I don’t find myself in this situation in the future, but should that happen I would welcome the opportunity to work with you.”
- “…I felt invigorated, frustrated, exhilarated and sad during a very short period of time, and admire your ability to sort through everything, and present the facts as best you could so the jurors could disseminate all that information.”
- “I have to thank you so much for all of the work you put into my case. Needless to say it was traumatic for me and truthfully, mentally depressing. Thank you again.”
- “I deeply appreciate the effort you gave for me and the support you gave to me.”
- “I thank God that He continues to produce people like you…who continue to autograph your work with excellence.”
- “I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank you for the hard work you put in on our behalf in our recent malpractice trial. I know the results would not have been as favorable had you not spent the many hours that you did in laying the groundwork for this case. It is quite obvious that you spent a great deal of effort researching the important aspects of this case, and without your diligent efforts, I am sure that the outcome would not have been as favorable. I take great pride in my work and strive to maintain a level of clinical excellence beyond reproach, and it is quite clear that you feel the same regarding your profession.”
- “I believe [our defense verdict] is no small part due to the high degree of skill and professionalism exhibited by you. It was truly a marvel to watch you in action. And as I said during the trial and I will say again, “I don’t know how you do that every day.” We also appreciate your sensitivity in dealing with our emotional involvement in the case. You never treated that lightly or in any way made us feel that that was inappropriate. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you most sincerely for your high quality work, for your consummate attention to detail and for your high level of professionalism.”
- “The time you spent with us in meetings was invaluable preparation for court. You orchestrated a brilliant strategy in presenting the facts to the jury and you argued every position in our defense so articulately to the judge and before the jury. You were always ready and never let your guard down. You were never disrespectful to the decedent’s family.”
- “[Regarding our malpractice trial,] nonsense complaints such as this are nonetheless very distressing, and we certainly appreciate the manner in which this was handled, along with the proper outcome. You kept the inconvenience to us at a minimum, and we certainly appreciate that. The less involvement we had, the less stress involved, which certainly allowed us to apply our time to more productive matters.”
- “I would like to highly commend attorney Alan S. Baum. Mr. Baum led my legal defense. [The plaintiff] questioned the value and outcome of a surgery that is difficult to explain to a layman. Mr. Baum mastered the essentials of that surgery and explained its benefits well to a jury. Mr. Baum led a detailed and well-organized defense. He was an astute selector of jurors. Without my assistance, he obtained an excellent and very appropriate defense verdict. Mr. Baum’s skill and cross-examination and his ability to hold the jury’s attention were vital in the success of our case. I most highly recommend Mr. Baum as an excellent counsel in the defense of medical negligence complaints.”
- “I want to take this opportunity to thank [my insurance company] for assigning the malpractice case of [my partner] and myself to attorney Alan S. Baum. I need not tell you that a medical malpractice case is an emotionally draining experience for the physician. During the case, one cannot help but question his or her moral fiber, judgment and medical confidence. Throughout the case, attorney Baum handled the defense masterfully. Although I felt that I was on an emotional roller coaster, attorney Baum maintained a steady course. Because of his experience, the jury deliberated under one hour with a verdict in favor of the defense… Were I in the position to handpick an attorney to handle the defense, I would not have been able to choose a person more qualified than attorney Alan S. Baum. Throughout the proceeding, he demonstrated compassion and understanding that were a source of a great deal of comfort during the one week trial. A verdict of 11 to 1 within one hour of deliberation by the jury confirmed our confidence in him.”
- “Dear Alan: Just wanted to drop a line to say “thanks” for all your hard work on our behalf. It’s been harder than I expected letting go of the emotion and trial preparation mind set, and getting back to business as usual. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with what a loss would have entailed. You were magnificent, and I especially appreciate your belief in us. Hopefully, I’ll never need your services again, but if so, I’ll know there’s a lifeline out there!”
- “I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent defense of my case. Your hard work, dedication, commitment and more importantly, belief in my innocence was integral in the jury’s verdict. I know how much of yourself you put into these cases and how personally you take them. I admire you greatly for continuing to defend physicians. Practicing medicine in Western Pennsylvania has become a very difficult daily task due to the malpractice crisis. We depend upon dedicated folks such as yourself to be able to continue to practice our trade. Your closing argument was absolutely brilliant.”
- “Your passion, commitment & sincerity are something I will never forget. I am forever grateful.”
- “I appreciate the work, time & dedication that you put into my defense. You gave a lot of yourself to help me. This will never be forgotten.”