So why a rhino?
The rhino exemplifies Baum O’Connor Cullen Chmiel attitude and approach. Rhinos are known for being strong, tough and having thick skin – all-important traits for trial attorneys. However, what is unique about the rhino is that it does not attack unless provoked, becoming a fierce and frightening defender of its territory.
According to a legend originating from Malaysia and Burma; rhinos stomp out forest fires. We see an interesting analogy between stomping out forest fires and resolving client “fires.”
We defend our clients fiercely, but we are by nature understanding and caring. As a result, we have made some lifelong friendships among our many clients.
Baum O’Connor Cullen Chmiel can trace its roots back to 1960. As many law firms have done, we also have changed with the times – tailoring our services more and more to the needs of the marketplace and to our attorneys’ strongest skills and talents.
Many of the founding members of the firm have been working together for more than 20 years and we have attracted the best and brightest litigators to form a winning team.
Today, Baum O’Connor Cullen Chmiel is a tight-knit group of congenial, smart, and dedicated trial lawyers serving the special needs of healthcare professionals throughout our region.